10 secrets of the Mediterranean diet

Most nutritionists and doctors around the world agree that the Mediterranean diet has many health benefits. People living in the Mediterranean suffer far fewer heart attacks, strokes, dementia and live longer and more active lives than many people from other parts of the world. In addition, coastal women rarely worry about being overweight and staying slim and beautiful for many years. What is the secret of Mediterranean cuisine? And why do the daily menus in the region suit every diet?

1. Fresh groceries

tomatoes with cheese and herbs for the mediterranean diet

The first thing that makes the Mediterranean diet so healthy is the freshness of the food. The inhabitants of this region consume a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits. Fast food can also be found there, but obviously not much emphasis is placed on it. Even if they need to quickly make a sandwich or spaghetti, Mediterranean people prefer to use fresh foods (vegetables, fruit, lettuce, cheese, etc. ) rather than processed foods for the filling. Residents of Mediterranean countries always try to buy groceries from trusted stores or from reliable market vendors to get really quality and fresh produce.

2. Low in saturated fats

Another distinctive feature of the Mediterranean diet is the predominance of monounsaturated fats. It is well known that saturated fats, and especially trans fats, are harmful to health because they increase bad cholesterol levels and can cause heart and blood vessel problems and provoke the development of cancer. Instead of such substances, it is better to use healthier monounsaturated fats, like the Mediterranean people who like to reach for olive oil and seafood. According to statistics, adherents of this approach suffer little from diseases of the cardiovascular system.

3. Minimum calories

Fans of the Mediterranean diet claim that it allows you to lose weight much faster and tastier. Because the food is not only tasty in its composition, but also low in calories. Of course, Mediterranean countries also like to eat pastries or chocolate, but they rarely do so and prefer fresh vegetables, nuts, berries and fruit. And they prefer tasty and healthy seafood over fatty meat. This approach allows them to better control their calories and excess weight.

4. Dinner with wine

eat mediterranean diet

A glass of wine with dinner is quite common for most Mediterranean residents. At the same time, they do not abuse alcohol, preferring to drink it in moderation, believing in the beneficial properties of wine. The wonderful climate of this region allows the cultivation of a large number of grapes, from which excellent natural wine is made without harmful additives.

Adequate dose of such a drink does not interfere with a healthy diet and may even provide health and beauty benefits. Nutritionists allow the use of one glass of wine per day for women and two for men. This improves digestion, heart function, lowers bad cholesterol, increases hemoglobin levels and mood in general. It is important not to choose sweet, but dry or table wines.

5. Saturation Diet

Usually, during a diet, a person often feels hungry because they severely restrict their meal plan. The diet of the Mediterranean people is not based on restriction, but on a sensible combination and selection of products. Instead of refusing yourself another snack, it is better to agree to it, but at the same time choose healthy foods. Greeks, Turks and Italians, for example, prefer to snack on simple but healthy foods: low-fat cheese, olives, nuts and fruit. In Malta and Israel they love hummus, a very filling and healthy snack made from chickpeas and nuts.

6. Fiber weight

All fresh fruits and vegetables are high in fiber. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the body, including proper digestion. Plant fibers saturate the body with energy. It is difficult to imagine a healthy diet without the presence of fiber foods on the menu. In the Mediterranean diet, they are among the most important on the table. However, the abundance of fiber is undesirable for those who have problems with the stomach and intestines.

7. Energy supply for the whole day

Regular consumption of high fat and processed ingredients can lead to brain inflammation, fatigue, loss of energy, and drowsiness. The antioxidant-rich foods of the Mediterranean diet, on the other hand, are said to improve physical activity and the ability of the brain to concentrate. Thanks to high-quality and fresh products, the inhabitants of this region suffer less from heart and brain diseases.

8. Harmless bread

Lovers of flour products will particularly like the Mediterranean diet, since baked goods are very important there and are actively included in the diet. But at the same time there is one important nuance - the bread should not be made from white, processed flour, but from whole grains. It is often served with olive oil. Whole grains allow better control of blood sugar levels and less damage to the figure.

9. Huge variety

Fish with vegetables for Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet is based on fresh ingredients, most of which are locally grown and sourced. And that's quite a large area, encompassing different countries and cultures (Turkey, Greece, Malta, Italy, Spain, Morocco, etc. ). Each of them has many of its own national recipes and ways of preparing various products. Therefore, the Mediterranean diet cannot be monotonous and boring. At least every day you can try new recipes with natural and healthy products from the shores of the Mediterranean.

10. Great taste

Do I have to say that Mediterranean dishes are characterized by excellent taste? This is another important plus of such a diet. Juicy fruits and vegetables, a lot of fresh fish, grilled meat in combination with local herbs and spices leave few people indifferent!

Despite all the above advantages of the Mediterranean diet, you should remember about possible contraindications. And before you decide to do it for a long time, it makes sense to consult a nutritionist or doctor.